My Nan was awesome

Created by Ian 4 years ago

My Nan was amazing. One Xmas we were all discussing her getting a letter from the queen on her fast approaching 100th birthday. Being nan she was horrified at the idea getting a letter from the British queen! I did a bit of research just to tease her. I discovered she wouldn't get a letter as she wasn't a British subject. Being Nan she was immediately outraged at this. I carried on the research and found out the Irish govt did a similar thing, which was available to Irish subjects living abroad and came with the added advantages of a letter from the Irish president and a big cheque!
Nan was getting a bit forgetful but that didn't stop her asking me a few months later "when am I getting my cheque from the president?" 

So I applied and after a bit of digging found all the relevant info and a kindly doctor who would verify her ID. The application was made and sadly as we all know Nan missed the big day by a few days. But the letter did arrive!

In typical Nan style though she let slip about a visit from a very nice man from the queen? Not knowing what all this was about we waited to see what would happen. And yes, she got a letter from the queen too.

That was my Nan. great fun and always unpredictable.

Rest in peace.
